Friday, December 16, 2011

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Yep, I am officially one of "those" people :) I can now make detergent.
In the past, all of the times I've seen people making their own home cleaning products, it involved liquids and cooking things and way too many steps for me to even consider it.

Link to Original Site

This pin however captured my attention immediately for three reasons:
1) It's all dry ingredients
2) There is only one step past pour out of a box and mix (my kind of anything)
3) And here is the real kicker, its 9 months worth of detergent for less than $20!!!!

I highly recommend going to your closest Super Wal-Mart to get everything for this project. Every ingredient is lined up right next to one another in the laundry isle, it couldn't be easier. There is no hunting for stuff you've never heard of before, no asking clueless staff where something is, its all right there. AND they sell the big glass jars too!

As for the big glass jar, definitely get the 2 gallon OR two 1 gallon jars. I tried to get away with a 1 gallon and its just not big enough. I have 4 or 5 big mason jars off to the side with what was left.

Now for making detergent, you really just empty some boxes and small tubs into a big bucket and mix. The only labor intensive part is grating the soap. I don't have a steel blade food processor as some folks in the blog comments recommended using, but grating the soap was easy and took less than 5 minutes. I tried finely grating it, but it simply wasn't worth the effort. Basic cheese grater size slivers are just fine. Mix is all up, put it in something to store it and voila!!

Now you may ask how much you need per load. Conveniently enough, two of the ingredients (the OxyClean tubs) come with little tablespoon size scoops. 1-2 scoops is all you need depending on the load size and how dirty your clothes are.

I've washed linens, our clothes and the baby's clothes all with this new detergent and I love it. It is not a fragrant detergent, but we had been using Free & Clears for the last few years, so there is no change to our laundry.

Happy Pinning!!

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